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EEG System

[EEG]Wearable Sensing EEG System,Dry Sensor Interface, 뇌파측정, EEG

[EEG]Wearable Sensing EEG System,Dry Sensor Interface, 뇌파측정, EEG


Dry Sensor Interface!

Smart EEG System!


Wireless EEG System!!

Wearble Sensing !


Headset System !! 


Dry Sensor Interface Technology!



EEG SystemWearable EEG





□ Specification

DSI-Gold includes NeuroGuide Basic (Deluxe) (NG) that can import EEG from 45 different amplifiers with Normative Databases for linked ears, average reference, Laplacian and all Bipolar combinations from birth to 82 years of age and powerful analysis programs such as JTFA and FFT with the capability to add 15 different Add On products.

Also includes the NeuroGuide Colleciton Module (NC) that is an add on to NeuroGuide to allow for the collection of EEG using the DSI-24.


EEG SystemWireless EEG System!


The DSI-24 is a research grade wireless EEG headset designed for rapid application of 21 sensors at locations corresponding to the 10-20 International System.


EEG SystemWearable Sensing!


- Dry Sensors: High quality through hair EEG without skin abrasion or gels

- High Fidelity EEG signal: Comparable to that obtained with wet electrodes

- Low Noise: Patented circuit design reduces environmental noise

- Practical Headsets: Self-donned in less than 5 minutes and comfortable for hours

- Wireless: Integrated amplifiers, digitizers, and Bluetooth transmitters

- Motion Artifact Resistant: Mechanical isolation enables ambulatory use



□ System Quality

EEG SystemEEG Signal Quality

Wireless EEG   VS   Wet EEG

 - 90% Correlations Signal Quality Comparable to Wet EEG Excellent Trigger Timing Synchronization



□ Applications

The DSI-24's practicality, portability, and high signal quality opens the door to taking numerous applications that were previously limited to lab environments to more naturalistic settings.

EEG S/WEEG analysis Program


- Neurofeedback

- NeuroErgonomics

- NeuroEconomomics / NeuroMarketing

- NeuroEducation

- Augmented Cognition

- Brain Computer Interfaces

- Biometrics

- Cognitive Stress or Workload Monitoring

- Psychological Research

- Sports Peak Performance Training


NeuroGuide Dry Options

NeuroGuide Basic (Deluxe) (NG) - Includes EEG imports from 45 different amplifiers, Normative Databases for linked ears, average reference, Laplacian and all Bipolar combinations and powerful analysis programs such as JTFA and FFT and capability to add 15 different add on products.






□ Features

- Self-donned and ready to record EEG in under 5 minutes

- Comfortable for wearing continuously over 8 hours

- Portable design suitable for light ambulation in office or lab environment

- 21 sensors positioned according to the 10-20 International System

- Continuous impedance monitoring

- BlueTooth wireless transmission with sampling at 300Hz

- Hot-swappable Li-ion batteries allow continuous operation

- 8-bit digital trigger input

- Adjustable to fit a wide range of headsizes (54-62cm in circumference)


EEG SystemHeadset EEG


Children EEG Research Smart System Design


Children EEG SystemSmart Comportable EEG System

- Robustness to motion artifacts, High signal quality, Unsurpassed comfort beckoned

- 48 ~ 54cm in circumference

- Male children 3~7 years of age

- Females 4 ~ 9 years old

- Compact and convenient design system




□ System H/W



EEG SystemWireless EEG System




□ Movie Data


Smart Comportable Wearable System Design





□ Contact & Ask


Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923

