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재활시스템/전기자극 및 초음파

[EMS,EMA(AmpliTrain)]세계유일 EMA 인증 기술이 적용된 전기자극 스마트 운동 및 재활 시스템, AmpliTrain, EMA, EMS

[EMS,EMA(AmpliTrain)]세계유일 EMA 인증 기술이 적용된 전기자극 스마트 운동 및 재활 시스템, AmpliTrain, EMA, EMS



Increase the frequency...

EMA Training - when training should be perfect.


EMA TrainAmpliTrain : EMA Train

The Electric Muscle-Activation by amplitrain relies on high-tech in the form of medium-frequency current – more precisely on a modulated middle frequency (MMF) of 2000 Hz.


AmpliTrain AthleteEMA Train System : AmpliTrain


The scientifically researched „virtually physiological“ muscle effect of the middle frequency represents amplitrain’s unique position.


Smart EMA TrainEMA Train System : Personal Train


Thereby, the AmpliCube is a training device that leaves practically nothing else to be desired and no training objectives unfulfilled.


EMA TechnologyEMA System Technology


With the AmpliCube, complete body training is made possible, thus doing justice to the high tech demands of today’s age for the first time.


EMA TrainBody Shape, Diet


Thanks to the freely adjustable ‚bio-electric‘ impulses, the Cube makes your body really sweat, thereby bringing you closer to your goals.


Group TrainGroup Train EMA System


And also for those who do not want to sweat, the Cube offers first-class potential applications for relaxation and activating the metabolism, all the way to promoting regeneration.



Smart Train SystemAmpliTrain




“What is EMA training?”

It saves time and is extremely effective fitness training that is an optimal motivational aid even for the most unathletic individuals with quick training success configuration.


Group TrainGroup Train System


It is the evolution of a success story.


Smart TrainAmpliTrain System


For years, amplitrain has conquered the world of training with the use of middle frequency in the range of 2000 Hz.


EMA SystemSimple Design

Thousands of users are impressed by EMA technology.


EMA 인증AmpliTrain EMA 인증서


Numerous professional athletes, distinguished physicians, among others, as well as some medical departments of the football Bundesliga clubs such as Mainz 05 and Bayer 04 Leverkusen rely on the use of AmpliTrain.



□ Specification


- 중주파를 적용한 심부근육 트레이닝

- 전신 전체 근육 트레이닝

- 세포활성화 효과

- 휴대성 편리 : 어디서나 사용가능



"유산소운동"과 "무산소운동" 가능한 유일 시스템!



Group TrainGroup Train System





□ Application



스마트 트레이닝, 스포츠훈련, 물리치료, 재활치료


EMA SystemAmpliTrain Application


- 근육조직 형성과 유지

- 근육 안정화

- 관절부위 근육층 형성

- 지구력 및 심혈관 트레이닝

- 효과적인 신진대사 트레이닝, 지방연소, 체중감소 촉진

- 안티에이징, 피부대력증대

- 다이어트 훈련



EMA SystemAmpliTrain Application


- 치료회복

- 근육강화

- 운동능력 향상

- 부상방지

- 재활훈련

- 특수치료



Smart SystemPersonal Train




□ Contact & Ask


Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923


