혈액 정밀분석시스템

[혈액화학분석]Automated Chemistry Analyzer, Chemray 240, 혈액화학분석시스템, 생화학분석시스템

medicaldevice 2018. 5. 18. 15:25

[혈액화학분석]Automated Chemistry Analyzer, Chemray 240, 혈액화학분석시스템, 생화학분석시스템


Automated Chemistry Analyzer !


Automatic 8 steps washing system!


24 hours nonstop reagent cooling compartment !



Automatic 8 steps washing system





□ System Features

- Automated Random Access

- Up to 240 tests per hour

- Reagent pre-heating liquid level detection

- Automatic 8 steps washing system(optional), Low carry over

- Labor saving, simple programming and real walk away operation

- 24 hours non stop reagent cooling compartment

- Reagent open system, close system on request

- Micro volume for sample and reagent

- User friendly software based on Window XP



24 hours non stop operation





□ System Function

- Throughput : Up to 240 tests per hour

- Contents of the testing : Clinical chemistry, Immunoturbidmetric

- Analytical modes : End point, Two point, Kinetic

- Programming : Open system with user defined programs

- STAT sample priority



Prediluent function for sample





□ Sample Tray

- Sample position : 40 positions for samples

- Sample volume : 3 ~ 45 µL, 0.5 µL adjustable

- Any position for standard and quality control setting



  Automatic, Random Access





□ Reagent Tray

- Reagent position : 40 positions in refrigerated compartment

- Refrigerated temperature : 4 ~ 15

- Reagent volume :

R1 : 180 ~ 450 µL, 1 µL adjustable

R2 : 30 ~ 250 µL, adjustable


 Simple operation and real walk away system





□ Reaction Tray

- Reaction position : 81 cuvettes , 9 cuvettes/strip

- Cuvette : Optical length 5mm

- Reaction volume : 180 ~ 500 µL

- Reaction temperature : 37 , flucturation ± 0.1

- Independent mixing probe

- Cuvette washing(optional) : Automatic 8 steps washing system





□ Contact & Ask

Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923

