
[휴대용 호흡가스분석시스템(VO2000)]휴대용 호흡가스분석이 가능한 VO2000, 원거리 휴대가 가능한 호흡가스분석기,Exercise Testing System

medicaldevice 2014. 9. 18. 17:32

[휴대용 호흡가스분석시스템(VO2000)]휴대용 호흡가스분석이 가능한 VO2000, 원거리 휴대가 가능한 호흡가스분석기,Exercise Testing System



Calibration Gas 와 Sylinge가 필요없는 호흡가스분석시스템!

극한 상황에서 측정 가능하도록 설계된 첨단 시스템!

AT(Anaerobic Threshold)  /  VO2Max  /  Sub Maximal 측정!



Take your VO2 testing to a higher level

- Research Center

- Sports Medicine Clinic

- Sports Team

- Nutritist

- Rehab facility

- Athletic Club and classroom


육상선수의 정밀 호흡가스분석이 가능한 VO2000



Provides true metabolic measuremen for resting and exercise testing.

The small, portabe system can be usd as a stnad-alone analyzer or wih an optional telemetry package.

Offes cmfortable patient testing using the preVent flow sensor and patented preVEnt mask.


휴대가 편리한 호흡가스분석기 VO2000




With no calibration gases required, patient set-up  is complete in minutes

Powerful and versatile BreseSuite software simplifies patient testing

Performs ambulatory or telemetry measurement to meet a variety of testig needs

Measure O2 and CO2 providing unsurpassed testing results



사이클 선수의 호흡가스분석에 적합한 VO2000




O2 Analyzer

CO2 Analyzer

Telemetry Receiver

Heart Rate Measuremnet


휴대용 호흡가스분석 시스템 VO2000




□ Innovative Technology

- Unique hands-free Auto System requires no calibration syringe or gases.

- Ratented Electronic Variable Sampling provides continuous sample flow & insensitivity to pressure and temperature artifacts.

- Patented preVent Pneumotach and preVent Mask provide accuracy and comfort without bulky connections or headgear and is insensitive to turbulence.

- Optional Telemetry system allows you to measure the true metabolic response or physical activity under "real word" conditions.


자동켈리브레이션에 대한 운동부하검사시스템과 신뢰성 실험 논문 타당성 입증




□ Versatile

The MediGraphics VO2000 will meet the needs of the resean center, sports mdicine clinic, sports team, nutritionist, rehfacility, athletic club and classroom. The VO2000 stores data in on-board memory for later download, works remotely with cotinuous data feed from the telemetry option, or operates connectied to a PC.


휴대가 편리한 호흡가스분석시스템 VO2000




□ Comfortable

The compact, lightweight design may be wom with a contoured athletic belt or three point harmess. The patented preVent mask is form fitting, comfortable and significantly lighter than standard masks.





□ Easy To Use

The small size makes this highly portable and with the quick connect, setup is a snap. The VO2000 uses a paented, hand-free auto-calibration. No calibration syringes or gases are required.



휴대성이 좋은 호흡가스분석시스템 VO2000




□ Accurate

Paented sampling techniques and enhanced gas analysis provide highly accurate and reliable metabolic measurement under a variety of testing conditions.


휴대용 호흡가스분석기 VO2000




□ Affordable

The VO2000 is one of the most affordable metabolic systems available. It comes complete with all the accessories you need to start tsting.


휴대성이 높은 호흡가스분석기 VO2000




□ Breezesuite Software

The Breezewuite software runs on Windows 2000/XP Professional PC's and require no addition hardware components. Results can be printed on a standard PC compatible printer. Configurable screens and graphs offer powerful assessment tools. Important makers such as anaerobic threshold can be automatically detected, even from a submaximal test!


휴대성이 높은 호흡가스분석시스템 VO2000



□ 설치 자료


▷ 가슴벨트 착용 모습 (앞)





▷ 가슴벨트 착용 모습 (뒤)





▷ 트레드밀 호흡가스분석





▷ 에르고메타 호흡가스분석





▷ VO2000 구성품





▷ 프로그램화면






□ Contact & Ask


Korea Sales HQ

Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 - 553 - 0923

