혈액 정밀분석시스템

[Albumin]Albumin Test, Albumin 201

medicaldevice 2018. 5. 28. 12:28

[Albumin]Albumin Test, urine Albumin, Albumin 201


Diabetes or hypertension treatment !

Dtecting preeclampsia during pregnancy !


Portable Point of care system !!


Urine Albumin Test System





Fast, portable, and easy to use

- System is ideal for working with diabetes or hypertension treatment, or for detecting preeclampsia during pregnancy checkups.

- System is an easy, lab-accurate means of identifying albuminuria – long before symptoms of renal or vascular complications appear.

- Patented microcuvette technology enables quantitative test results right at the Point-of-Care.

- Immediate treatment decisions, rather than waiting for a lab to confirm semi-quantitative tests.



Point of care system




The only CLIA-waived device

- For diagnosing and monitoring Albuminuria at the Point-of-Care.

- Offering immediate results that could be used for adjusting patient medications during an office visit.

- The only objective quantitative analysis that allows for billable positive and negative results.



The Easy Way to Reliable Early Detection


Urine Albumin Test System 




System Specification

- Principle : Turbidimetric immunoassay determination of urine albumin

- Sample Material : Urine morning spot or 24 hour collections

- Measurement Range : 7–150 mg/L

- Results : In about 90 seconds

- Sample Volume : 18 μL

- Storage Temp : The analyzer can be stored at temperature, 0-50 °C (32–122 °F).

- Operating Temp : 15–30 °C (59–86 °F)

- Power : AC adapter



Portable Albumin Test System




Conatact & Ask

Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923

