재활시스템/전기자극 및 초음파

[FES]Treatment for foot drop, Functional Electrical Stimulation, FES

medicaldevice 2018. 7. 3. 17:22

[FES]Treatment for foot drop, Functional Electrical Stimulation, FES


Smart Functional Electrical Stimulation !

Treatment for foot drop system !

FES System !



Foot drop system technology

Walking from the heel through the dorsiflexion reduces the compensating action and can walk more stable than normal walking.

If you get used to your body with continuous use, you can walk without the use of a walking aid, Quality is improved.


Smart FES System


It can be used when an upper motor neuron injury has caused a foot injury.

- Multiple sclerosis (MS)

- Stroke (CVA)

- Incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI)

- Cerebral palsy (CP)

- Traumatic brain injury (TBI)


Functional Electrical Stimulation Device


System Working Principle

Treatment for foot drop system

- Using the gyroscope and acceleration sensor built into the steam unit, analyze when dorsiflexion should occur.

- An electrical stimulus is applied through the electrodes attached to the peroneal nerve and the tibialis ankle, helping to walk from the heel to the ground.


System Working Mode

Inovation FES system

Training Mode

- For the purposes of preventing muscle atrophy, maintaining and increasing ROM and improving blood circulation use.

- Attach the electrode while sitting or lying down and set the training mode select Preset (Preset 1-9) or user program (Custom).


Walking Mode

- The ankle was flexed by dorsiflexion according to the timing of the swinging movement,

it is used for restoring function.



Treatment for foot drop system

System Specification

Smart design for foot drop patient

- Smart Program : Walking is analyzed at five steps and it is very easy to start electrical stimulation immediately.

- Ultra thin Biotechnical Design : Weight 83g, the thickness of the steam unit is only 1cm, it will not be exposed when worn in pants Patient satisfaction is high.

- Quick-fit electrode : Based on anatomical design, it was designed to wrap the peroneal nerve and the tibialis anterior. The patient can also wear a sensitive electrode to the gel electrode by connecting the electrode with the cuff in a button system that applies water to the electric stimulus.



Treatment for Foot Drop System


Movie Data

Functional Electrical Stimulation application data : Before & After

Walking Rehabilitation System

Contact & Ask

Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923
