자세 및 동작 분석 시스템

[Motion(동작분석)]Technology Ergonomic Applications, Motion Analysis, Motion, CAPTIV, 동작분석

medicaldevice 2018. 3. 9. 17:30

[Motion(동작분석)]Technology Ergonomic Applications, Motion Analysis, Motion, CAPTIV, 동작분석


Smart Motion Analysis !

Wireless sensors with easy and unobtrusive fixation !

Smart Motion Analysis System


Technology Ergonomci Application !


Technology Ergonomic Application



Motion Analysis

- Wireless sensors with easy and unobtrusive fixation system

- 2 sensors for measuring one angle/joint, 15 sensors maximum for full body, any intermediary configuration possible

- Raw data available as a rotation quaternion

- Conversion in ‘angles’, ‘angular speed’ and ‘angular acceleration’ with Premier software

- Real-time data transfer to PC via T-DAC and T-MR wireless receivers,

- Recording with T-Log Motion Data logger for mobile measurements with no limitation of range or distance.



High Technology System : 2 sensor for measuring one angle




T-Sens Motion sensors integrate a 3-axis accelerometer, a 3-axis gyroscope and a 3-axis magnetometer with powerful fusion algorithms.

Measurements are extremely robust over time against vibrations, perturbations of magnetic field and challenging environments.


Motion Sensor : 3 axis accelerometer, 3 axis gryoscope, 3 axis magnetometer



A wireless system with no equivalent

- Real time to PC or portable datalogger

- Fully modular from 2 to 15 sensors

- Unchallenged robustness to perturbations

- Raw data available (Quaternions)

- Adjustable sampling rate

- Synchronization with : Mutiple Videos, EMG, EKG, Force, Temperature, Eye-Tracking

 Samrt Compact design for Research and Test




- Motion Analysis : Work flow analysis

Working enviroment test : Work flow


- Ergonomics : Work Ability

Ergonomic Test : Work ability


- Biomechanics : Exercise Test

Biomechanics Test : Exercise Condition and measurement


- Prevention : Safety Test

Prevention Research : Dangerous Condition Measurement


- Research

Various Research : Motion Analysis Research DB


- Sports

Sports Science : Exercise ability Test


- Driving

Driving Research : Driving Condition and Ability Test


- VR : Surgery Drill

High Technical System : Surgery condition and Drill


- Game

VR Application : Game contents and development 




- Battery life : 4h minimum

- Charging time : 3h

- Weight : 30g

- Temperature : 0 ~ 40

- Humidity : < 60%


 Smart Portable System


 Video Data

 Smart Motion Sensor Application to various research




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Medical Device Korea

Tel : 02 553 0923
