혈액 정밀분석시스템/헤모글로빈 정밀분석시스템

[NIRS]Completely wearable multi-channel fNIRS, NIRS, Brite

medicaldevice 2018. 6. 3. 22:36

[NIRS]Completely wearable multi-channel fNIRS, NIRS, Brite


Wearable multichannel NIRS !

NIRS for Brain oxygenation measurement !

Multichannel NIRS System

NIRS Specification

System is a user-friendly, plug-and-play NIRS device with almost no set-up time. It works with multi-wavelengths LED’s and real-time feedback in data analysis software.

- 23 channels to cover the frontal cortex

- 2x12 channels on the motor cortex

- 27 channels on the visual cortex

- Short distance reference channels are also possible.


23 channels to cover the frontal cortex

The soft neoprene head-cap and the portability of the system make monitoring the brain oxygenation status of elderly, children and vulnerable patients especially comfortable and easy. Hyperscanning (monitor multiple subjects at the same time) can easily be done.

- Software makes it possible to combine different NIRS

- Even one of other NIRS devices within one data stream.



Hyperscanning NIRS System

Portable, user-friendly and comfortable fNIRS system

- Portable and covering e.g. the prefrontal cortex, motor cortex, or visual cortex.

- Measures oxy-, deoxy-, and total hemoglobin concentration changes.

- Combined with other techniques such as EEG and tCDS.

- Integrated 9-axis orientation sensor.

- Special analysis software program

- Bluetooth connection


Portable and covering the frontal cortex, motor cortex, visual cortex

NIRS Main applications

- Brain oxygenation monitoring

- Sports science

- Functional studies

- Cerebral studies

- Hyperscanning

- Both inside and outside the lab


Small Head Cap Design Model 

- Pediatric Research Application

Pedicatric Application System


NIRS Application Reference

- Subjects are even able to perform physical activities like walking and running while the device is connected with a long-ranged antenna Bluetooth to the laptop.

- System has an integrated 9-axis movement sensor.

- It perfectly complements with other portable NIRS devices e.g. for measuring muscle oxygenation.

- This makes it the most suitable fNIRS device for athletes currently on the market.


Technical specifications

- Measure : Oxy-, deoxy-, and total hemoglobin

- Light source : 10 or 11 Light emitting diodes, each with 2 wavelengths

- Channels : 23, 24, or 27 channels, different setup’s and short channels possible

- Rechargeable and fast loading battery, up to 3 hours on a single charge.

- Total weight : Approximately 300 grams including battery


Multi channel hemoglobin analysis system


NIRS Analysis Program

Provides in real time the calculation of oxy-, deoxy-, total hemoglobine and tissue saturation index (TSI)

Hemoglobin Analysis Program

- Real time calculation of oxy-, deoxy-, total hemoglobine and tissue saturation index (TSI)

- Displays easy to understand 2D and 3D plots

- Supports simultaneous recordings of multiple devices

- Records and generates events from a wide range of sources

- All standard analysis techniques can be applied in realtime or posthoc

- Compatible with e.g. HOMER2, NIRS-SPM, FieldTrip, NIRStorm, Polhemus and more

- Exports raw data in various formats

- Enables real-time streaming of data to e.g. Matlab or Python

Hemoglobin Analysis Program

NIRS Movie Data

Various activity condition application

Contact & Ask

Medical Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923

