혈액 정밀분석시스템/헤모글로빈 정밀분석시스템

[Oxygenation] Gold standard research device for the measurement of muscle oxygenation, hemoglobin, Portamon

medicaldevice 2017. 7. 13. 12:37

[Oxygenation] Gold standard research device for the measurement of muscle oxygenation, hemoglobin, Portamon



Oxyhemoglobin !

Deoxyhemoglobin !

Totalhemoglobin !


Enabling you to get insight in local oxygen  consumption, blood volume and blood flow.



Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyhemoglobin, Totalhemoglobin




- It is currently the only wearable, wireless NIRS unit on the market especially designed for muscle research.


Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyhemoglobin, Totalhemoglobin


- It uses a Bluetooth connention, which even enables you to record online while the subjent is on a running track.

- For larger distance the PortaMon can also store its data inside, ready for downloading afterwards.


Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyglobin, Totalhemoglobin




- It orffers the same possibilities that the larger NIRS devices give you.

- Next to the standard concentration changes og oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin.


Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyglobin, Totalhemoglobin


- It provides a value of tissue saturation: the percentage of oxygenated hemoglobin

- It uses a Bluetooth connection, which even enables you to record online while the subject is, eg. running on a track.

- For larger distance the PortaMon can also store its data internally, reay to be downloading afterwards.

- A third possibility is to store data in our pirpose build Anbdroid app.


Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyglobin, Totalhemoglobin


▷ Sport Science


Mitochondrial function

▷ Urology research


 Oxyhemoglobin, Deoxyglobin, Totalhemoglobin



Another Model



Measures local tissue saturation(TSI), as well as oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin.


Brain :


Brain hemoglobin




Muscle :


Neck Muscle hemoglobin



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Mediccal Device Korea

TEL : 02 553 0923

