[FMD]Cardiovascular, Flow mediated dilation, FMD, Endithelial function, Intima Media Thickness, IMT, Quipu
[FMD]Cardiovascular, Flow mediated dilation, FMD, Endithelial function, Intima Media Thickness, IMT, Quipu New Generation Smart FMD Analysis ! Just connection to Ultrasound System ! FMD(Flow-mediated dilation) The assessment of the endothelial dysfunction Cardiovascular risk A complete analysis of the carotid artery by measuring the increase of thickness and stiffness and the presence of plaques..
[Ultrasound]Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300C
[Ultrasound]Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300C Smart Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System ! System Connect : Wi-Fi / 3G / LTE / JPEG / DICOM / MPEG Wireless Handheld Ultrasound is standing to offer mobile ultrasound imaging device that are specially optimized to provide physicians, surgeons, and even patients with portability and comfortability. Wi-Fi, hand-h..
[Ultrasound] Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300L
[Ultrasound] Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300L Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System ! Wi-Fi / 3G / LTE JPEG / DICOM / MPEG Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System Benefit Compact Design - System size in your hand and in your pocket - Very light weight portability allows you to scan everywhere you go - Cable-free technology, any urgent situation, including in the..
[자율신경계]자세변화에 따른 자율신경계 검사, 자세와 혈압변화, 자세와 심박동수, 자세와 발살바, HRV 부하검사, 자율신경계 검사, 교감신경 검사, 부교감신경 검사
[자율신경계]자세변화에 따른 자율신경계 검사, 자세와 혈압변화, 자세와 심박동수, 자세와 발살바, HRV 부하검사, 자율신경계 검사, 교감신경 검사, 부교감신경 검사, AFT-800 국내 최초 심혈관 자율신경검사시스템 ! Heart Rate Variability Research System ! Autonomic Function Test ANS Function & Orthostatic Test Inovation of ANS function Test HRV PSD(Power Spectral Density) Test □ System Main Functions - 기립성혈압 & Tilt & POTS - HRV - Deep Breathing (심호흡시 심박동 검사) - HRV Orthostatic Test 혈압 ..
[Bodyfat(체지방)]Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System, Bodyfat, BMI, 체지방, 비만, 근육량
[Bodyfat(체지방)]Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System, Bodyfat, BMI, 체지방, 비만, 근육량 Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System ! Affordable / Portable / Accurate All part of the body can be measured ! Arms / Legs / Calves / Abdomen / Buttocks / Thighs / Back / Flecks Body Composition - Body composition is calculated by measuring subcutaneous fat thickness at multiple sites. - The number of sites depend on ..