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[PhysioFlow] Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring System, Smart Cardiac Output Monitoring System, Cardiac Output, 심박출량 모니터링, PhysioFlow. [PhysioFlow] Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring System, Smart Cardiac Output Monitoring System, Cardiac Output, 심박출량 모니터링, PhysioFlow. HD-Impedance Cardiography ! Smart Hemodynamic Monitoring System ! A new era in Noninvasive Cardiac Output testing ! The first and only system fully validated during exercise ! Noninvasive hemodynamic monitors. - Provide continuous, accurate, reproducible and sens.. 더보기
[호흡가스분석시스템] Exercise Test, Exercise pulmonary function test, Spiroergometry System, 사용성이 편리하고 정밀도가 우수한 호흡가스분석시스템 [호흡가스분석시스템] Exercise Test, Exercise pulmonary function test, Spiroergometry System, 사용성이 편리하고 정밀도가 우수한 호흡가스분석시스템 Exercise Pulmonary Function Test ! Portable Spiroergometry System ! Himalayas Mountain Special Research Spiroergometry System ! The System is a portable high resolution spiroergometry system with Breath-by-Breath technology. The System can be used in various ways thanks to its numerou.. 더보기
[운동부하] Exercise Testing System, Smart Wireless Exercise Testing System, 검사가 간편한 운동부하검사시스템 [운동부하] Exercise Testing System, Smart Wireless Exercise Testing System, 검사가 간편한 운동부하검사시스템 Exercise Testing System ! Stress Testing System Conducting a stress test has never been easier than using the ST80i. Enjoy bi-directional network connectivity to collect and distribute data and free your patient from troublesome lead wires and motion interference by the sleekly designed compact wireless pat.. 더보기
[Spiroergometry]Swimming Spiroergometry System, Spiroergometry, METASWIM [Spiroergometry]Swimming Spirometry System, Spiroergometry, METASWIM The unique spiroergometry solution for swimming ! Enables you to conduct innovative tests of performance physiology in water using system which was explicitly developed for swimmers ! System Advantage - Specifically designed snorkels for backstroke and free-style, physical fitness and performance can be examined there where the.. 더보기
[Spiroergometry]Spiroergometry solution for mobile use, Mobile CardioPulmonary Diagnostics, METAMAX®3B [Spiroergometry]Spiroergometry solution for mobile use, Mobile CardioPulmonary Diagnostics, METAMAX®3B Spiroergometry solution for mobile use ! Smart Mobile CardioPulmonary Diagnostics ! Whatever pushes you forward: It is a spiroergometry system for professional outdoor use designed to meet your individual needs – no matter how exceptional they might be. Sophisticated technical features and cons.. 더보기
[호흡가스분석]휴대용 호흡가스분석 시스템, SpO2 / ECG 측정이 가능한 휴대용 호흡가스분석 시스템, Mobile CardioPulmonary Diagnostics,Oxycon Mobile [호흡가스분석]휴대용 호흡가스분석 시스템, SpO2 / ECG 측정이 가능한 휴대용 호흡가스분석 시스템, Mobile CardioPulmonary Diagnostics,Oxycon Mobile CardioPulmonary Exercise Testing ! Beneficial for Patient, Athlete & Worker ! Mobile CardioPulmonary Stress Test System in any Environment ! SpO2 / ECG Measurement!! □ System Main Features - PC or notebook computer software and tranmission compatibility - Portable, lightweight unit with sl.. 더보기
[휴대용 호흡가스분석시스템(VO2000)]휴대용 호흡가스분석이 가능한 VO2000, 원거리 휴대가 가능한 호흡가스분석기,Exercise Testing System [휴대용 호흡가스분석시스템(VO2000)]휴대용 호흡가스분석이 가능한 VO2000, 원거리 휴대가 가능한 호흡가스분석기,Exercise Testing System Calibration Gas 와 Sylinge가 필요없는 호흡가스분석시스템! 극한 상황에서 측정 가능하도록 설계된 첨단 시스템! AT(Anaerobic Threshold) / VO2Max / Sub Maximal 측정! Take your VO2 testing to a higher level - Research Center - Sports Medicine Clinic - Sports Team - Nutritist - Rehab facility - Athletic Club and classroom Provides true metabolic meas.. 더보기
[운동부하검사]Cardiorespirotery Exercise and 12-Lead ECG, Ultima Cardio [운동부하검사]Cardiorespirotery Exercise and 12-Lead ECG, Ultima Cardio Pairing two superior technologies is sure to produce one singularly powerful solution. It combines our leading gas-exchange technology with the premier Mortara ECG. The results is an all-in-one, easy-to-use. Gold standard metabolic stress-testing system. □ MGC diagnostic' proprietary breath-by-breath testing method - Offers superi.. 더보기
[운동부하 심폐기능 측정기]호흡가스 분석기, 운동부하 심전도 검사기, 운동부하 용 자동혈압계, 운동부하 용 트레드밀 [운동부하 심폐기능 측정기]호흡가스 분석기, 운동부하 심전도 검사기, 운동부하용 자동혈압계, 운동부하용 트레드밀 운동부하검사란? - 협심증이나 심근경색, 부정맥, 관상동맥질환의 위험성이 높은 환자를 대상으로 하는 검사 - 주요검사대상 : 흡연기간이 오래된분, 고혈압, 당뇨, 고지혈증을 앓고 계시는분들 ※ 협심증의 위험성 - 평소에는 아무런 증상이 없다가, 심근산소요구량이 많아질때 갑작스럽게 발작 운동부하검사 목적 - 협심증과 같은 증상이나 징후를 유발시키는 스트레스 수준을 알아내기 위함 - 흉통의 원인 및 비전형적인 협심증의 원인을 파악하고 치료후 평가나 예후 판정에 이용 - 심폐지구력 평가 운동부하검사 방법 - 환자의 가슴에 전극을 연결하고 상박에 혈압계를 착용한 후 운동장비(트레드밀)에 올라서 운동 .. 더보기