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[NIRS]Smart Muscle Oxygen Monitoring System, Perfect Portable and Wireless Muscle Oxygen Measurement, Moxy [NIRS]Smart Muscle Oxygen Monitoring System, Perfect Portable and Wireless Muscle Oxygen Measurement, Moxy Non-Invasive Solution for Proven Smo2 Monitoring ! Muscle Oxygen Monitoring ! Realtime Muscle Oxygen Measurement ! It has a battery for power ! A microprocessor for operating the spectrometer ! Memory chip for storing data ! It also has a radio transmitter for sending live data to other dev.. 더보기
[Oxygenation] Gold standard research device for the measurement of muscle oxygenation, hemoglobin, Portamon [Oxygenation] Gold standard research device for the measurement of muscle oxygenation, hemoglobin, Portamon Oxyhemoglobin ! Deoxyhemoglobin ! Totalhemoglobin ! Enabling you to get insight in local oxygen consumption, blood volume and blood flow. Feature - It is currently the only wearable, wireless NIRS unit on the market especially designed for muscle research. - It uses a Bluetooth connention,.. 더보기
[헤모글로빈정밀분석]세포내 산소와 온도 지속 모니터링시스템, moorVMS-OXY [헤모글로빈정밀분석]세포내 산소와 온도 지속 모니터링시스템, moorVMS-OXY Continuous tissue oxygenation and temperature monitoring with moorVMS-OXY Adequate oxygen supply is essential for the life and health of all biological tissue. Both oxygen levels and tissue blood flow (measured by moorVMS-OXY and moorVMS-LDF respectively) are therefore important physiological indicators of tissue health and viability. These indicator.. 더보기
[헤모글로빈정밀분석]oxygenation status in deeper tissues noninvasively; muscle and brain, 헤모글로빈정밀분석 [헤모글로빈정밀분석]oxygenation status in deeper tissues noninvasively; muscle and brain, 헤모글로빈정밀분석 Near infrared spectroscopy moorVMS-NIRS Near infrared spectroscopy monitor is designed to assess oxygenation status in deeper tissues non-invasively; muscle and brain for example. □ System feature - Dual channel module: allowing you to assess and compare two sites simultaneously - Compatibility with existi.. 더보기
[헤모글로빈정밀분석시스템]특정부위 근육의 헤모글로빈 정밀분석을통한 Activity 상태 평가 시스템,Oxy-hemoglobin,Deoxy-hemoglobin,Total hemoglobin,PortaMon [헤모글로빈정밀분석시스템]특정부위 근육의 헤모글로빈 정밀분석을통한 Activity 상태 평가 시스템,Oxy-hemoglobin,Deoxy-hemoglobin,Total hemoglobin, PortaMon PortaMon Near Infrared Spectroscopy on the go Wireless / Small / Portable □ PortaMon - Wireless and portable NIRS system for measurement on muscle - Measuring changes in oxygenation in terms of oxy-hemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin, which is an indication of the blood.. 더보기
[빈혈분석기]휴대가 간편한 빈혈분석기, 정확도가 높아 전문기관에서 사용하는 빈혈분석기, HemoCue, Hemoglobin, Hb 301 system [빈혈분석기]휴대가 간편한 빈혈분석기, 정확도가 높아 전문기관에서 사용하는 빈혈분석기, HemoCue, Hemoglobin, Hb 301 system ​​ 휴대가 간편한 빈혈분석기! 스포츠 선수들의 기량 향상을 위한 빈혈분석기!​ 여성 건강의 필수적인 헤모글로빈 분석! 정확도가 높고 켈리브레이션이 필요없는 빈혈분석기!​ ​​ ​Accurate POC ! Anemia Screening ! From the Pioneers ! ​​ Optimize for anemia screening in primary care and blood donation settings. Smple and convenient solution. Poviding quick, easy access to lab-quality results .. 더보기