[헤모글로빈정밀분석]oxygenation status in deeper tissues noninvasively; muscle and brain, 헤모글로빈정밀분석
Near infrared spectroscopy
Near infrared spectroscopy monitor is designed to assess oxygenation status in deeper tissues non-invasively; muscle and brain for example.
□ System feature
- Dual channel module: allowing you to assess and compare two sites simultaneously
- Compatibility with existing moorVMS family products and software:
combine modules for a multichannel system to your own specification.
- Three probe holders: 30, 40 and 50mm separation offering sampling from three different tissue beds.
- Add laser Doppler flowmetry (moorVMS-LDF) or white light spectroscopy (moorVMS-OXY)
measurements: with provision for probes within the NIRS probe holders.
- Easy viewing: High contrast, ice white, backlit display.
- Advanced PC software: with extensive analytical features, batch processing and report templates.
- Highly connectable: As well as the visual output, all monitors feature analogue outputs (0-5V) and digital (USB) real time data transfer.
- Factory calibrated: no need for probe pre-calibration.
- Medical grade design: for clinical research applications.
- Multi-lingual training DVD: for continual reference.
□ Measurement Parameters
SO2 (tissue oxygen saturation)
- Range: 0-99%
- Accuracy: ± 2 SO2 units
- Precision: ± 3% of measured value
- Resolution: 1 SO2 unit
oxyHb (relative oxygenated haemoglobin concentration)
- Range: 0-1000 AU
- Accuracy: ±10% or ±10 AU whichever is greater
- Precision: ± 3% of measured value
- Resolution: 1 AU
deoxyHb (relative deoxygenated haemoglobin concentration)
- Range: 0-1000 AU
- Accuracy: ±10% or ±10 AU whichever is greater
- Precision: ± 3% of measured value
- Resolution: 1 AU
Sampling rate (all parameters) 5 Hz
Output data rate to PC 40 Hz
□ Theory
The system measures oxygenation using a probe which is placed in contact with the skin.
Each probe consists of a detector head which contains two identical photodiodes and an emitter head which contains two near infrared LEDs emitting light at approximately 750nm and 850nm.
Light from the emitter head enters the tissue where it is subject to scattering and absorption.
A small proportion of the incident light passes through the tissue to the photodiodes.
The resulting photocurrents are amplified and acquired by the instrument.
The orientation of the photodetectors allows the change of attenuation with respect to emitter to detector distance to be measured.
Tissue oxygen saturation (SO2) can be calculated from oxyHb and deoxyHb concentrations and expressed as a percentage.
□ Re-Usable Probes
Three probe holders are available with dedicated double sided adhesive pads offering separation of 30, 40 and 50mm between emitting and detecting heads.
This alters the measurement depth with a wider separation offering deeper penetration.
Access ports are also provided enabling you to add laser Doppler (moorVMS-LDF) or white light spectroscopy probes (moorVMS-OXY) for simultaneous tissue blood flow and superficial tissue oxygenation.
Probe materials selected are biocompatible for safe human use allowing cleaning / disinfection between patients.
□ Applications
Medical applications emerged in the last few decades and have continued mainly to focus on oxygen measurements in muscle and the brain.
Technique references are available for the following areas;
- Activation of the visual cortex during stimulation
- Activation of the motor cortex in response to finger tapping
- Cerebral Oxygen monitoring of neonates
- Cerebral Oxygen monitoring during surgical procedures
- Studies of muscle oxygenation for sports medicine and rehabilitation.
- Altitude Physiology
□ Video Data
oxygenation status in deeper tissues noninvasively; muscle and brain
□ Contact & Ask
Medical Device Korea
TEL : 02 553 0923