[기초대사량]Resting Metabolic Rate, Resting Energy Expenditure, RMR, 기초대사량, CCM Express
Indirect Calorimetry !
Clinical Nutrition !
Resting Metabolic Rate !
Accureate and reliable metaboic measurement !
Resting Metabolic Rate
Mesaure metabolic rate allows the clinician to provide the patient with proper nutrition essential to getting results!
Touch screen simplifiers operation !
Compact Design !
True Matabolic Assessment
- True Breath by Breath analysis or user defined averaging !
- Rapid response gas sensors measure both Oxygen and Carbon Doxide !
- Summary Metabolic Report with Respiratory Quotation, Energy Expenditure, substrate utilization, normal values and breath by breath graphical display
- Tabular Report reported in 30 second intervals
- End Tidal Report assists in monitoring appropriate ventilator support
- Direct Fick Report provides calculation of cardiac output
- Output reports to any Windows compatiable printer, PDF file or archive to flash drive
It brings advanced technology to the clinician and dietician in hospital and private practice. Testing can be accomplished in the most demanding ventilator environment including bias flow, pressure support, and elevated or fluctuating FIO2.
For spontaneously breathing patients, comfortable testing options include face tent or face mask.
The built-in computer with touch screen operation, rapid response O2 and CO2 sensors, and breath by breath analysis make indirect calorimetry with the rapid and simple while providing highly accurate Resting Energy Expenditure and substrate utilization data.
CCM Express
True Metabolic Assessment
- True Breath by breath analysis or user defined averaging
- Rapid response gas sensors measure both Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide
- Test ventilator patient on elevated (above 60%) or fluctuating FIO2
- Unaffected by ventilator pressure support and bias flow
- Windowing fucntion excludes non steady state data resulting from patient disturbances or test initiation
Compact Design
- Small and compact for easy trasport
- Crips monitor display, immediate text and graphical results
- Data is stored in the onboard database for printing any time
Touch screen Simplifies Operation On-Screen
- Full-function "virtual" keyboard
- Intuitive icon-based software guides operator through testing procedures
- Multilingual reports and software
DirectConnect Flow Sensor
- The patented Directed Connect sensor allows measurement or REE at the endotracheal tube so there is no need to turn off, divert or compensate for pressure support or bias blow
- Eliminates complicated connections or isolation valves which simplifies and speed testing
- The DirectConnect is disposable or can be sterilized and reused for infection control
Metabolism, RMR, REE
Indirect Calorimetry
- To accurately measure the REE or mechanically ventilated patient to guideappropriate nutritional support
- To accurately determine RQ to allow nutritional regimens to be tailored to patient needs
- To accurately determine REE and RQ to monitor adequacy and appropriateness of current nutritional substrate
- To allow determination or substrate utilization when urinary nitrogen values are concomitantly nitrogen values are concomiotantly available
- To determine the O2 cost of breathing as a guide to the selection or ventilatory mode, settings, and seaning strategies
- To determine the Vo2 as a guide to targeting adequate delivery of O2
- To assess the contribution or metabolism to ventilation
- Accurate indirect calorimetry
- True breath by breath analysis
- Intuitive icon based software is simple and easy to use
- Direct Connect allows measurement of ventilator patient without effects or pressure suppot or bias flow
- Small, compact unit is easy to maneuver and takes minimal space
- Low initial cost and low cost or operation
- Improved patient outcomes
- Decreased number or ventilator days
- Decreased length or stay on the ICU
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Medical Device Korea
TEL : 02 553 0923