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[Cryotherapy]Medical Cryotherapy Equipment for Pain Control & Post Surgery Care, Cryotherapy ,Cryo-Master, 크라이오테라피

[Cryotherapy]Medical Cryotherapy Equipment for Pain Control & Post Surgery Care, Cryotherapy ,Cryo-Master, 크라이오테라피


Cryotherapy System


New concept cryosurgery system !

Maxmize selfhealing ability !

Quick and easy basic treatment !


Cryotherapy SystemSmart Medical System

Medical Cryotherapy Equipment for Pain Control & Post SurgeryCare


Cryotherapy SystemMedical Cryotherapy Equipment


Advanced Medical Technology

- When liquefied Co2 is sprayed, sublimation occurs and the temperature falls : -78 Cryogenic state

- 50bar shock Wave Vibration Using High Pressure Gas

- Rapidly cooling the skin temperature from about 32 to 0~4

Cryotherapy SystemMedical Cryotherapy Equipment

- Strong thermal shock to skin nerve receptors

- Temperature shock transmitted from the skin nerve receptor to the cerebrum through the spinal cord

Cryotherapy SystemMedical Cryotherapy System

- Cerebral self-healing ability as a reflection reaction through the autonomic nervous system



System Advantage

- Co2 injection method (First in Korea)

- Point care function

- Reaching -78 within 4 seconds after spraying

- Generate soft fog-like cool air

- Bluelight(LED) with accurate treatment guide

- Anti-frost alarm function by skin temperature measurement

- Touchscreen control

Cryotherapy SystemSmart Skin Care Cryotherapy



System Effect

- Analgesic effect : Decrease pain speed or reduce pain

- Anti-inflammation : Decreases secretion of inflammation-inducing enzyme and degradation of reactivity

- Vasomotor reflex : Thermal-shock (Circulation of blood flow/lymph through thermal shock reaction)

- Muscle relaxation : Muscle relaxation, Muscle extension



Non-contact cold air injection system

Used for various parts such as surgical site, shoulder, plantar(soles), elbow, muscles and joints


Cryotherapy SystemPain control and Post surgery care



Pain Disease


- Plantar fasciitis

- Multiple sclerosis

- General chronic pain

 Cryotherapy EquipmentMultiple Sports Medicine



Traumatology, Sports Medicine

- Pain, Edema, Hematoma

- Tennis / golf elbow

- Acute dislocation & distortion

- Muscle & cartilage rupture

 Cryotherapy EquipmentSports Medicine System



Physical & Rehabilitation Therapy

- Reconstruction of ROM

- Muscle relaxation

- Stress / Fatigue fracture

 Cryotherapy Medical SystemSports Medicine System



Post-surgery Care

- Undergoing microsurgery

- Orthopedic surgery

- Maxillo-facial and plastic surgery

- Cancer surgery: helps soften the appearance of scars

- Vascular surgery

 Cryotherapy SystemPain Control and Post surgery care




- Chronic inflammatory rheumatology

- Abarticular rheumatology : tendinitis, bursitis, tenosynovitis, periostitis

- Degenerative rheumatology

- Hemophilla : treatment for the hematoma

 Cryotherapy EquipmentSports Medicine System



Skin Problem

- Neurodermatitis

- Atopic dermatitis

- Psorisasis

- Acne

- Boils

 Cryotherapy SystemSkin Problem care System



Video Data

User guide : Application




Contact & Ask

Medical Device Korea

Cryotherapy Research Center

TEL : 02 553 0923

