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[Ultrasound]Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300C [Ultrasound]Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300C Smart Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System ! System Connect : Wi-Fi / 3G / LTE / JPEG / DICOM / MPEG Wireless Handheld Ultrasound is standing to offer mobile ultrasound imaging device that are specially optimized to provide physicians, surgeons, and even patients with portability and comfortability. Wi-Fi, hand-h.. 더보기
[Ultrasound] Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300L [Ultrasound] Wireless Handheld, Portable Ultrasound, Compact Design, ultrasound, 300L Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System ! Wi-Fi / 3G / LTE JPEG / DICOM / MPEG Wireless Handheld Ultrasound System Benefit Compact Design - System size in your hand and in your pocket - Very light weight portability allows you to scan everywhere you go - Cable-free technology, any urgent situation, including in the.. 더보기
[Bodyfat(체지방)]Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System, Bodyfat, BMI, 체지방, 비만, 근육량 [Bodyfat(체지방)]Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System, Bodyfat, BMI, 체지방, 비만, 근육량 Bodyfat assessment Ultrasound System ! Affordable / Portable / Accurate All part of the body can be measured ! Arms / Legs / Calves / Abdomen / Buttocks / Thighs / Back / Flecks Body Composition - Body composition is calculated by measuring subcutaneous fat thickness at multiple sites. - The number of sites depend on .. 더보기
[Ultrasound System]정밀한 초음파 검사 시스템,ClearVue350 Ultrasound system, Philips [Ultrasound System]정밀한 초음파 검사 시스템,ClearVue350 Ultrasound system, Philips Improve your image Ultrasound System Smart and intuitive Active Array technology which moves key beamforming capabilities into the transducer for superb imaging performance and increased reliability in a small and lightweight system. □ Active Array technology offers - Image quality designed to enhance diagnostic confidence .. 더보기