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[해부학(Anatomy)] 3D 인체해부영상시스템, 인체해부학, Anatomy, Anatomage [해부학(Anatomy)] 3D 인체해부영상시스템, 인체해부학, 동물해부학, Anatomy, Anatomage 3D Real Human Anatomy ! High Quality of pathological example ! Unprecedented technology for medical education ! Very Clean and Safe !! Cost Reduction ! It is not only for anatomical education. Utilizing its powerful radiology workstation features, it can be used for radiology, surgery case review, patient consultation, and research pu.. 더보기
[발열감지시스템(Fever Screen System)]Fever Screen System, 발열감지시스템 [발열감지시스템(Fever Screen System)]Fever Screen System, 발열감지시스템 Fever Screen System ! Preceise and effective system - 24h recording, precise and effective recording and capture system Efficient control system - Automatic correction function and manual capture and recording system Unique System - Detection range setting, measurement target size setting, auto capture and alarm function System Operating.. 더보기
[동물용 DXA] DXA 방식을 적용한 동물용 골밀도 및 체성분 검사, InAlyzer [동물용 DXA] DXA 방식을 적용한 동물용 골밀도 및 체성분 검사, InAlyzer Ultra high resolution digital radiography system with DXA Body Composition analysis function. Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) technology. A small x-ray source exposes the entire animal to a fan shaped beam of both high and low energy x-rays. A high-resolution digital picture (108x108um) is taken by using CCD detecter with TDI (time delayed .. 더보기